
Saturday, September 20, 2008

The World is Coming to an End

At least according to the news.

I can't turn on the television without getting really really depressed about something. I'm worried about houses being in foreclosure (I don't even own a house), I'm worried about the fact that the FDIC insures up to 100,000 dollars, it doesn't seem like enough (I have much, much, much less than that in my bank account), I'm worried that the fed will drop interest rates (?? this might benefit me through my loans), I'm worried about what will happen if there's a bail out (my taxes might increase!!), and what will happen if there isn't a bail out (eek!)...

When I think of my day to day life, it hasn't changed much. My house is near my school so I really don't drive very often, cutting down my transportation expenses as gas prices soar. I live on a medical student diet of Diet Coke, Pasta, and Noon Conference food- my food costs have not increased significantly.

My day to day life has not changed in the slightest. I'm broke, I'm scavenging for free food, I don't drive very often, I'm "paying to work..." yet I have this sense of impending doom. The whole world is falling apart. It's only a matter of time before I go down in flames.

And that's when I turned the channel.

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